Monday, 12 November 2007

Lights, Camera...Action

That best describes our Deepavali celebration this year at Vinay's b-school.A day's notice and we turned our whole lives topsy curvy (ulta-pulta) to celebrate one of the biggest parties of the year...The humble cafeteria turned into a ravishing dance floor followed by happy faces, lip-smacking food and filled tummies...well what more could one ask for!Not to mention some amazing pelvic thrusts a.k.a Bollywood style dancing.All in all an experience to be treasured for lifetime.

Friday, 5 October 2007

Ubiquitous coconut

The humble, yet mighty coconut is a necessity in every household in South, West and certain places in North India ...why just households it ventures on to the streets, beaches and surprisingly popular hangouts-pubs/ lounge bars et all, surprised? Think divine 'Pinacolada', the virgin one for me please;)

Coconus nucifera is highly nutritious, high on fibre, vitamins and minerals and is the best respite on a bright hot sunny day.Every part of this tree made use of and hence the title, 'Tree of Life' or KALPAVRUKSHA .

For me, it's a gentle reminder of our traditions and culture; every holy offering made to the dieties invariably comprises the coconut, an indication of prosperity and goodwill.

Friday, 28 September 2007

Waves of life

Life, at this point reminds me of the early morning walk near Pangang Tso lake during our trip to Ladakh... You wait for the waves to hit your feet and before you realize, they have all gone far, far away from you... but then it hasn't gone that far either!Ever felt that you have it all and then there's nothing to clasp in your palm. Ever felt you seen it all and then there's a whole new world waiting to surprise you all over again!...Its a fleeting truth nevertheless you are too unsighted to understand and comprehend what surrounds you.